Leisure Parks
Leisure Parks
location: Germany
purpose: Driving business with selfpropelled train stocked vehicles, speed by passenger eligible for office
- Every vehicle disposes speeds of an electrical drive with this obtained to 10 m/s – can be. The passenger provides the speed with an accelerator pedal.
- The position, the distance and the speed are – monitored to PL e (performance level, the highest safety category).
- The necessary braking distance is calculated constantly. The braking distance falls the distance becomes the speed reduced automatically.
- In addition, the speed control is carried out into dependence of the way position. At dangerous track sections or in front of and the authorized
- speed is reduced in the station. The specification of these positions is carried out for certain and flexibly and in the program is thus any time adaptable.
- Each vehicle has a fail-safe control system.
- The vehicles communicate via a special WLAN with the head office and with each other. The communication is error-proofly carried out.
- The current vehicle position and the vehicle status is shown openly on a monitor at the control post.
- The access to every vehicle is possible for service purposes about teleservice.
- All disturbing reports are archived. Plant history is transparently available with that any time.
- error-proof control (SPS)
- visualization over air monitor for the simple operation
- SEW Movidrive drive voltage system converter
- teleservice
- essential security features: Safe stop 2 (SS2), speed (SLS) limited for certain, sure of movement direction (SDI),
- Safeguard distance more for certain of braking drive (SBC), sure position
- The plant is operated as an isolation monitored net (IT net). This increases the availability and person safety.
- EN, removal by MOT south
selective brakes
location: Snowbird, USA
purpose: Regulation of the braking efficiency of brakes to toboggan runs for the attainment of a defined speed
- Electric magnets integrated into the toboggan run operate a braking sword. The friction of the deposited coating and the retention force cause the braking power and leading to the reduction of the car speed.
- The braking power is regulated into dependence of the admission speed.
- speed recording with contactless sensors
- magnet drive solitary
- control Simatic (SPS)
- teleservice
- removal by MOT south and U. S. authority (AHJ)